Being involved in a motor vehicle accident can be overwhelming. You may be injured as a result of the accident or have passengers in the vehicle who have been injured. You may be concerned about the damage to your vehicle and how the damage will be fixed. You may also have previously scheduled commitments that day or week that require your attention. However, it is important after a car accident to start collecting the documents and information you might need if you decide to pursue a motor vehicle accident claim. This information may be crucial to supporting your claim.
New clients often come to our office with questions about the types of information or documents that should be collected and shared after a car accident. Some documents are kept confidential between the client and the lawyer. Other documents are required by law to be shared with the lawyer for the Defendant. It is important to understand what types of documents you do or do not have to share as part of the car accident claim.
Personal Information
Immediately after the accident, exchange information with all parties involved and any potential witnesses. Witnesses could include passengers in the vehicles or bystanders who saw the accident happen. Ensure you have the full name, address, and contact information for these individuals. Ideally, take a photo of the driver’s licence of any other drivers involved in the motor vehicle accident. This information will be necessary later for your insurance company and your lawyer. If fault for the accident becomes an issue, being able to contact any witnesses later may also be important for your case.
Insurance Information
It is also crucial to exchange insurance information with the drivers of the other vehicles involved in the collision. Drivers are usually required to have a copy of their insurance information with them. Either take a photo of the insurance information, or write down the name of the insurer, the name of the person insured under the policy, and the policy number.
Take photographs of the position the vehicles came to rest in after the collision; any damage to the vehicles; and any marks on the roadway. This information can be used later to assess who is at fault for the car accident. In some cases, it may be necessary to hire an expert to do an accident reconstruction to determine exactly how the accident happened. The types of photographs listed above can help an accident reconstructionist write their report.
Accident Report
If there is damage totalling at least $1,000 to the vehicles, you are required to call the police to the scene of the accident. The police will take down information about how the accident happened and who was involved. The police will then issue an accident report to the Department of Public Safety. Your lawyer will likely request a copy of this accident report. This report can be used in determining who was at fault for the accident. The report can also be used in situations where the lawyer is missing information about the other drivers involved in the accident.
Medical Documentation
If you are injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident, you may require medical documents to support your claims. Two of the types of claims that are available after a motor vehicle accident are: Section B claims and Section A claims. Section B claims are available to anyone injured in a motor vehicle accident, regardless of fault. The Section B insurer will likely require a form from your doctor to support your claim. The Section B insurer may also require access to certain medical documents, including your family physician’s chart and the charts of any therapy providers.
To proceed with a Section A claim, another individual must be at fault for the accident. It is often necessary to get a lawyer involved to successfully resolve these claims. The Section A insurer may contact you after the accident to request documents. It is important to consult a lawyer before signing any authorizations for medical or other documents for the Section A insurer.
If you decide to proceed with a legal claim, your lawyer will eventually be required to provide certain medical documents to the Defendant’s lawyer or insurance company. There are rules and laws that dictate the type of medical information that you and your lawyer must provide. Your lawyer will explain the types of medical documents that they will eventually have to provide.
Other Documentation for a Legal Claim
When you retain a lawyer for a motor vehicle accident claim, he or she will talk to you about any additional documents or information that may be necessary to support your claim. It is important to contact a lawyer as soon as possible after an accident. Some information, such as a vehicle’s black box data or security camera footage, may be deleted after a period of time. It is important for your lawyer to assess early on what information or documents will be necessary to support your claim.